Weight management & metabolic health packages

Weight management

Do you feel like you have been on a diet for most of your life?  Over the years, have you tried various weight loss programmes and the latest faddy diets?  Did they make you feel good or did you feel you were depriving and restricting yourself?  Were you able to ignore the hunger pangs and cravings that you had and then did you feel guilty when you ate what you were told not to eat?  Did you manage to lose weight that you wanted to?  If you did, did you manage to maintain the weight you wanted to be? The chances are these sorts of techniques didn’t work for you.  

You are probably also confused about the tirade of conflicting well-being and nutritional advice from public health sources, scientific research, various guidelines and popular media commentary, all of which can create anxiety.  

You probably have an encyclopaedic knowledge of the calories in everything.  Do you nervously look at food labels and wonder whether the food is healthy?  

Have you followed the population healthy eating advice given since the 1980s because you want to do the right thing? 

You are not alone and it’s not YOUR fault!

Let me reassure you, I can help. I will provide you with the knowledge, support and motivation that you need so that you can enjoy a healthy, enjoyable way of life. Prices start from £195 for an 8 week package, with optional follow up consultations as required.

Metabolic health

The foods that we eat, the way in which we live, move, work, sleep and our cultural and activity patterns have changed rapidly over the past 30 years.  However our human genome (genetic make-up) has barely changed for hundreds of thousands of years.  We are living in a way that we are not designed to live and it’s not necessarily working for us.

While we can’t turn back the clock, we need to be thoughtful about the way we live today so that we can flourish and thrive.  By combining our increasingly detailed understanding of how our ancestors lived, by harnessing advances in medicine and science and by having an understanding of our body’s amazing biology, we can improve our day-to-day wellness for the long-term.  

Whereas infectious disease were previously the main cause of ill-health and mortality, a main health concern today is that of metabolic ill-health. This term is generally used to refer to a person’s ability to regulate their blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure without needing the support of medications. Some signs that we have metabolic ill-health are high blood pressure, insulin resistance, abdominal obesity, high levels of unhealthy fats and insufficient healthy cholesterol in the blood.  

If your metabolism isn’t working as well as it could, then your body won’t be able to optimally extract energy and nutrients from the foods you eat or to effectively eliminate waste products via the liver and kidneys. Poor metabolic health can lead to chronic diseases such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, abdominal obesity, inflammation, an impaired immune system and some types of cancer. 

On the other hand, if you’re metabolically healthy, your body is better able to digest and absorb foods.  This will ensure that the body is nourished and supplied with the energy and the building blocks that it requires to make vital proteins and fats, for example.  It will also promote the effective elimination of wastes and toxins, which can otherwise build up in the body. 

The good news is that metabolic health can be improved, for example by learning to manage blood glucose levels and by discovering what and when to eat for you as an individual and in the context of your lifestyle. These are vital skills that will help you to improve your health, help to manage your weight and reduce your cravings. I’d love to help you on your exciting journey of discovery to a healthier, happier way of life. Price – £195 for an 8 week package.

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